Winds of Winter: Book to Release in 2017, Conan O’Brien Makes Fun of Martin’s Pace, Neil Gaiman to Assist Martin!

Yes, we are still waiting for Winds of Winter. It’s been five years since the last instalment of A Song of Ice and Fire had released. A Dance with Dragons had been published in 2011 and fans are still waiting to find out what’s next for the characters. It has been a long wait and fans are losing patience.

HBO refused to wait for writer George R. R. Martin to get done with his writing and decided to go ahead and complete Season 6 on their own with no books to get their material from. Now the new rumor circulating is that Winds of Winter will release in 2017.

According to International Business Times, comedian Conan O’Brien has joked about the delay of Winds of Winter and had even mocked Martin for the delay that has exceeded four long years. Conan O’Brien joked that he has hacked into Martin’s security cameras and will now keep an eye on him to make sure that he is working on Winds of Winter.

A video has been posted on YouTube that shows Conan O’Brien talking about how difficult it is for fans of A Song of Ice and Fire to deal with the fact that the HBO series that had so closely followed the novel is now being written with no input by George R. R. Martin. The video has an actor dressed like martin and talks about how the writer is doing everything except for writing.

For those wondering if HBO’s Game of Thrones Season 6 will have spoilers for Winds of Winter will be highly disappointed. While there will be some aspects in the plot that will be dealt with by George R. R. Martin, most of the things are very different from what Martin had planned for the book.

Martin had been a little worried when he found out that HBO had decided to go ahead with Season 6 on their own. Martin had been keeping the fans waiting for a long time and he was a little worried that Winds of Winter will not get any readers since everyone would have already found out about the story already.

Martin told Bustle that he had never imagined that HBO will catch up with the novel. However, it has and Martin added that HBO moved faster while his pace reduced. Martin added that he had been very busy with a lot of other commitments, but then he couldn’t be blamed for it since he had to manage them all together.

Martin had revealed that he writes only when he is home and sitting on his desk. This made the fans realize that he never writes when he is travelling and makes it very clear for to everyone why he is taking more than five years to complete a book.

HBO’s Game of Thrones had been able to hold the suspense of even those viewers who had read the novel and this has given some hope to the fans who are waiting for Winds of Winter. HBO had started deviating from the novel and while that made the avid fans of A Song of Ice and Fire disappointed, it will be the only saving grace for George R. R. Martin’s Winds of Winter.