Update Brings Matchmaking Improvements and Guile Skills to Street Fighter V, Latest Offline Updates Will Have More Than a Story Mode!

Echo Fox CEO Jace Hall talked to Yahoo Esports, “He will not stop until he is the best player on Earth, and Echo Fox is committed as an organization to do whatever it takes to help Julio achieve his goals. This is an exciting day for all of us at Echo Fox as we officially enter the fighting games community.”

He considered Julio Fuentes to be the perfect athlete to be brought on as their first Street Fighter V player. Ever since Street Fighter V launched, Fuentes has gained a lot of attention. The native of NorCal put himself in the spotlight by securing second place at Winter Brawl X in February this year.

He won three Churning the Butters since then, placed 13th and fifth at CPT Premier Events Final Round and NorCal Regionals along with a San Francisco Weekly Tournament.

His biggest breakthrough was Texas Showdown since he finally won his first major Street Fighter V tournament. He told Yahoo Esports, “I’m ridiculously excited to be a part of the Echo Fox family! Now I have the opportunity to express my play to a much wider audience across the globe.”

Stay tuned for more updates on Street Fighter V!