It’s all about New Year and New Resolutions

It’s the end of the year and it’s usually around this time when people start making resolutions for the New Year. Thinking about skipping it this time because you barely stuck with the one you made last year? It’s alright if you haven’t achieved everything you thought you would this year, that doesn’t mean you shouldn’t make new goals and resolutions. Here are some tips on how you can stick with them and some new resolution ideas you may have not thought of.

Try looking at your old list of resolutions you made and see what you have done so far and haven’t. If you have done some of them that’s great, it means you can actually stick with your list and do them. If you haven’t stuck with a lot of your resolutions or barely or not at all, don’t feel down! Check the list again and see why you haven’t been able to stick with them.

Try asking these questions:

  • Was your resolution realistic? Some people crave change but set very high goals to achieve that ‘big’ change. The problem is it’s too big. Keep it simple and achievable. They don’t see immediate results and give up. Remember you can’t achieve a goal in a month or two, you have to work bit by bit to reach it. Keep trying until you see results.


  • Will it really impact my lifestyle? While it’s good to keep lists of what you would like to get done and get a huge list, it’s best to stick with few important resolutions that would improve your health or happiness.


  • Are there too many resolutions? Don’t make resolutions that you have made many times before and know you won’t do because it is something you would take as a hobby maybe, put that in another list to do when you do have time. This way you will be left with resolutions which are most important to stick too and you won’t have a list which seems impossible or too many to achieve.


  • Did I think about a timeframe for each resolution? Usually, when we write down resolutions we just see ourselves achieving them but never think about how long or when we will see them. So this time sit down and think how many weeks or months will take to achieve your resolution and strike it off your list. Be realistic and remind yourself to be patient no matter how long it takes.


  • Did you work hard enough? In the process you may be disappointed in not meeting your goals on time or things not working out. That’s alright. Take a deep breath and try again, don’t give up! If you believe that the resolution is something you can keep well try again. You are in control of your actions and achieving what you want by working towards them.


To add few more seemingly small and obvious but important resolutions to put on your list:

  • Smile more and be happy.
  • Worry less
  • Spend more time with your loved ones
  • Enjoy and be in the moment
  • Work harder
  • Eat healthier
  • Let go of grudges


Now that you have some idea on how to be more productive with your resolution go and start making that list you are sure you will stick with!