Married at First Sight Season 3: New Season in The Pipeline, Jason Tries to Find His Father, Jamie Wants Doug to Meet Her Ex, And More

Jason decides to go to the show counsellor Dr. Pepper Schwartz and he opens about his fear of being rejected by the family after he goes ahead and contacts them. Dr. Schwartz tries to pacify his fear by telling him that his father might be feeling the same things and that it is normal to do so, Jason decides to go ahead after the encouragement from Dr. Schwartz.

Jamie and Doug on the other hand are still preoccupied with Jamie’s ex. Jamie and Doug have started talking about their feelings and Doug opens up about wanting to start a family with Jamie, but confesses that he isn’t there yet. He isn’t ready to have kids yet. Jamie feels happy that Doug has finally started to open up to her.

Jamie suggests that Doug should meet her ex. Jamie believes that this will show Doug how she has moved on from her past, but Doug isn’t pleased at all. When Jamie says that the three of them can end up being friends, Doug says that it might so happen that Jamie will fall back in love with her ex.

Jamie and Doug have had a lot of issue about Jamie’s ex. She had been asked by Dr. Schwartz to stop thinking on those lines, but she sure isn’t doing that. With Season 2 over, it is to be seen where Doug and Jamie are in their relationship when Season 3 returns.

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7 thoughts on “Married at First Sight Season 3: New Season in The Pipeline, Jason Tries to Find His Father, Jamie Wants Doug to Meet Her Ex, And More”

  1. Jamie should forget her ex or forget Doug; it looks as though she’s playing a game and is being so selfish. I believe she thinks it’s “all about her”.

    She is being so disrespectful of her and Doug’s relationship by bringing up her ex-boyfriend. It is always right to be honest, however, some feelings tend to hurt more.

    Jamie, move forward or forget your marriage. Look yourself in the mirror before you hurt your husband. Your ex-boyfriend SHOULD NOT meet Doug.

  2. Jamie should forget her ex or forget Doug; it looks as though she’s playing a game and is being so selfish. I believe she thinks it’s “all about her”.

    She is being so disrespectful of her and Doug’s relationship by bringing up her ex-boyfriend. It is always right to be honest, however, some feelings tend to hurt more.

    Jamie, move forward or forget your marriage. Look yourself in the mirror before you hurt your husband. Your ex-boyfriend SHOULD NOT meet Doug.

  3. Doug is way too good for Jamie.Her attitude and selfish behavior makes her look like a trap. Doug needs to move on and allow real love a chance to find him. He has married pure trash from a trailer park. Who wants to continue to listen to her talk about their ex? I don’t care how white she bleaches her teeth, how much make up she wears, or the designer clothes…..she will never be good enough for Doug. Trash, trash, and more trash……she wants kids, bigger house, but not Dough

  4. Doug is way too good for Jamie.Her attitude and selfish behavior makes her look like a trap. Doug needs to move on and allow real love a chance to find him. He has married pure trash from a trailer park. Who wants to continue to listen to her talk about their ex? I don’t care how white she bleaches her teeth, how much make up she wears, or the designer clothes…..she will never be good enough for Doug. Trash, trash, and more trash……she wants kids, bigger house, but not Dough

  5. Doug is way too good for Jamie.Her attitude and selfish behavior makes her look like a trap. Doug needs to move on and allow real love a chance to find him. He has married pure trash from a trailer park. Who wants to continue to listen to her talk about their ex? I don’t care how white she bleaches her teeth, how much make up she wears, or the designer clothes…..she will never be good enough for Doug. Trash, trash, and more trash……she wants kids, bigger house, but not Dough

  6. Jamie has not listened to the doctor at all. Leave that ex alone. They have enough issues, why add this person. Smh.

  7. Jamie has not listened to the doctor at all. Leave that ex alone. They have enough issues, why add this person. Smh.

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